Sunday, November 14, 2010

Blessed Insurance?

     Our family has a sort of "humor calendar" in the bathroom. Each day has a different funny story, typo, or comment from churches across America. One in particular got me thinking. It listed several different hymns that suited whatever group they were talking about. The dentist's hymn was "Crown Him With many Crowns" the fisherman's was "Shall We Gather at the River?" and so on. For Senior Citizen's the hymn was "Blessed Insurance." At first I found this funny, but after thinking about it, it struck me that that is how many people treat their faith, like it's some sort of Divine fire insurance. They got the policy (accepted Christ), pay their premiums (go to church, tithe, support fundraisers etc.),  and expect that, when they die, they can file a claim and cash in on the policy. 
     Now, I'm not going to debate about whether they are saved or not, that's between them and God, but I do pity them. Here they've been introduced to the most amazing thing this universe has ever known, this thing called faith, and to the one who started it all, (God) and they aren't doing anything about it! They are missing out on the greatest thing you could ever have: a relationship with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; Creator, Savior, Comforter. This God, that created everything, loves us and desires a personal relationship with us, so much so that His Son died to make it possible. His love, His peace, His friendship are better than anything this world can offer and they're missing out on it! It's like they've sat down to a magnificent banquet, with every kind of delicious food (and not one calorie), and all they're doing is sipping their water. "Taste and see that the Lord is good!" 
      Think a moment about your best friend. You love to spend time with them, don't you? You probably miss them when they aren't around. Maybe you talk for hours about absolutely nothing, or maybe you have long discussions about deep and meaningful topics. They likely know many, if not all, of your darkest secrets. Friendship with God is all that and more! He knows you better than anyone ever could, because He made you. The God of everything, with all of creation to take care of and some 2 billion followers worldwide, wants to be friends with YOU! How awesome is that?
      So, if you know any "insurance policy" Christians, pity them. Whether their policy turns out to be valid, or not, they will have missed out on the greatest thing this life has to offer, a deep, personal relationship with Almighty God. And if you are that kind of Christian, I encourage you to just look up and say, "Hi, God. What're You up to?" and then really listen for an answer. Who knows, it may be the start of a beautiful friendship.

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