Friday, October 12, 2012

The Blogger Formerly Known As Peacemaker

This blog used to be called, "From the Peacemaker's Pen" and I was The Peacemaker. Why the change? Well, I'd originally planned to just abandon this account and start a new one over on Wordpress. However, the majority of the people I know use blogger. So, rather than start a new blog here, I simply renamed it and will be transferring any posts not already on this blog.

Peacemaker to Heretic - Why such a drastic leap? The leap is not so big as you may think. In this world of wars, lawsuits, road rage, and petty squabbles, peace itself is a heretical concept. Most people agree that it's a good thing, but when it comes down to personal responsibility for peace - things fall apart. Good intentions can only get you so far.

Peacemaking involves telling two parties things they don't want to hear, you have little to no backup, you're in the middle, and you're caught in the crossfire. Being a heretic is much the same, only you don't get mentioned in the beatitudes. You do, however, get a cool color scheme.

And so from now on,
Call Me Heretic

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